Funeral & Memorial Services

Live Streaming

Un-intrusive, Compassionate, appropriate filming and Live Streaming.

Our process for a thoughtful live-streamed service

Our friendly staff will happily communicate with you to ensure everything that you want is best captured in the live-streamed service. We will explain every step of the process so that there are not any surprises or interruptions to the service.

Typically we take a very un-intrusive approach by filming from the back of the room and zoom in on the people speaking. However, we are happy to adjust to best suit you and the venue’s needs and wishes.

Single Camera Wired Live Stream and Record

$450 plus GST

With a single camera shoot, the camera operator will set up at the back of the church or chapel and zoom in and out as needed. You will see a small camera moves as the camera operator sets the shot and moves between points of focus.

When the coffin exits the building the camera operator will pan with the coffin and film the coffin exiting the building. Once the coffin has exited the building the camera operator will unplug the camera from the live stream and move the camera outside to record and stream the hearse leaving. During this 60 second period when the camera operator is moving from inside to outside the live stream will show a holding slide.

Wireless Live Stream and Record

$500 plus GST

As per our single camera live stream option but wireless. This means we can move the camera freely around the room and also follow the casket outside to the hearse with no need to run any cables which reduces tripping hazards and without any hold slides having to interrupt the service.

Two Camera Live Stream and Record

$650 plus GST

By Using two cameras the Live-streamer can vision switch between a wide shot and a close shot. This eliminates most camera moves for a seamless smoother stream. The Live-streamer can also move cameras without the need for a holding slide as the other camera can simply be switched to.

Burial Live Streaming and Record

Add $165 Plus GST

Burial live streaming is just an additional $165 plus GST if it applies to the same booking as a single Camera Wired Live stream, a Wireless live stream or a 2 cam live stream.
In the instance that only the burial is wished to be Live-streamed then this will be charged at $450 plus GST.

Over 150 Live Streams and counting

Superior Live Streaming Service

The Life Memorials team provides a thorough comprehensive live stream experience. Working with the Live Stream studio platform we are also capable of vision switching between the cameras and a photo presentation slide show or video directly. All we require is a copy of any media that will be played during the service on a USB stick.

This means that when a video or photo slide show is played at the service we will vision switch to a high-resolution version of the video or photo slide show rather than zooming in on a TV or Projector screen which will have flickering and glare from the screen.